Food Facts
Food Facts
Fruits and vegetables are best assimilated within an empty stomach, when
there is no traffic jam of unhealthy foods blocking the system, and nutrient
value of healthy foods is immediately absorbed into the body system.
Most fruits (including acidic ones) turn alkaline when they enter the body.
Water and fiber from fresh fruits and vegetables enhance digestion, and
facilitate early/ smooth eviction of solid and liquid waste from the body.
Fruit fasts and salad fests insulate the human body from harmful excesses
that weaken the system (meat, alcohol, tobacco/ spicy, oily, salty. fried
foods/ & toxicants such as tea, coffee, wine/ sugars, carbonated drinks).
Pulps, purees, and smoothies without ice are more healthful than just juices.
Steamed, broiled, baked, and poached foods are also fairly safe. But foods
that are processed, frozen, refined, or cooked in any way using direct heat
(fried/ braised/ sauteed/ grilled) typically tend to lower nutritional content.
Foods and vegetables with color and crunch offer highest nutritional value,
and may release different enzymes. Eating them separately helps prevent
unnecessary strain on the endocrine system, and diminishes any chances
of an "enzyme cocktail" that may potentially dilute nutritional impact.
In order to optimize their healing properties, nature foods are best taken
within the hour of cutting them open. Not only do fresh foods look, smell,
taste better, they bring a healthful glow to the face, raise energy levels,
monitor body weight, and enhance overall function of immune system.