Yoga Wellness Workshops
Successful companies have corporate wellness at the top of their agenda, because
most common ailments are preventable. TV host, yoga trainer, wellness coach Banu
Suresh offers safe ways to enhance personal practice with seamless circuits of simple
stretches that target major muscles, glands, and organs for optimum body function.
This comprehensive series uses a common sense approach to prepare for classroom
yoga sessions. Supported by award winning title Yoga Secrets, the workshops offer
practical perspectives on how yoga helps prevent common ailments like arthritis,
asthma, constipation, diabetes, hypertension, piles (hemorrhoids), and sciatica.
So let us help create a RAP sheet (Restorative Action Plan) you can be proud of.
These YOGAXPRESS workshops do not promise instant cures, cannot teach you to levitate,
and will not show you how to pull a jumbo with your teeth. But their special emphasis on
breath and focus offers safe ways to stay fit for life, even when adapted for chair yoga.
Program Outline for a basic workshop includes introduction to body works, body
breakdown, energy focus, breath matters, sun salutation, safe ways to practice
48 simple postures, variations and modifications, effective use of props, guided
chakra meditation and restful yogic sleep. All workshop participants receive a
customized Personal Practice summary. Although trained guidance is provided,
participants take responsibility for their own pain or progress (indemnity applies).
If you like the idea of guided yoga practice on your own terms (and turf), email for a corporate wellness program customized for you.
For a glimpse into teaching style, visit site Home Page, or google "yogaxpress".
TV Host, Yoga Trainer, and Wellness Coach, Banu Suresh (YTT750) choreographed a
simple bridge sequence of 48 primary postures to help prevent 8 common ailments.
Although certified as a yoga teacher in the Sivananda/ Krishnamacharya lineages,
her personal practice includes Satyananda, Bikram, and Iyengar styles. Banu offers
safe preventive wellness strategies to harmonize breath, movement, nutrition, & rest.
Whether it is yoga in the park, on a rooftop, in water, on silver sands, in Times Square
or outer space - in the end, yoga is simply all about moving the body to still the mind.