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Crew, Cast, and Guest Teachers 


9/25: L to R - Lizzette, Tanya, BETTY, Akram, Banu, MELISSA, James, Samara, Antonio

10/05: L to R - Miguel, Banu, Akram, MONA - close-up "family pix"

11/14: L to R - Melissa, Isaiah, Vitor, Miguel, Ginger, Banu at the Cast-and-Crew Appreciation Lunch

11/28: L to R - SUSAN, Banu,  Brian, JEFFREY, William, Samara, and Judith



1/16: L to R - Miguel, Cristina, Banu, Lizzette, NATALIE, Antonio, and Susan

2/20: L to R - Mateo (Mati), Antonio, Banu, MEGAN, Lizzette, Jennell

1/23: L to R - Liha, Banu, Miguel, SUSAN M, Antonio, Lizzette, Susan B, Josiane

3/14: L to R - Akram, Lizzette, Banu, DRUE

4/17: L to R - Miguel, Banu, PILIN, Akram, Alexis

4/18: L to R - Akram, Banu, MELISSA, Nuriel

5/23: L to R - Antonio,Lizzette, Martina, Susan,GREG, Banu, Brian, Anna, Sue, Alex, SuMac, Nuriel, Miguel, Akram at the pre-summer Appreciation "Linner".


11/09: L to R - GINA, Nuriel, Banu


2/07: L to R - Anthony, CHRIS (Hey Chris, how's the weather down there?), Banu, Akram

3/20: L to R - Lizzette, Alex, Banu, Antonio, JODY

5/02: L to R - Banu, Steve, DONNA, Kate, Lizzette, Antonio


11/28: L to R - Helen, Nuriel, ELLEN, Banu, Lucas


2/14: L to R - Banu, Akram, LILLY Balch

3/27: L to R - Antonio, Banu, Michael, ANNA, Lizzette

(Nice job, Lizzette:)

5/17: L to R - Nuriel, Banu, GREGORY, Antonio, Lizzette


11/30: L to R - Shelena, Banu, Nuriel, DONNA, Kerin



11/03: L to R - Banu, Nuriel, GINA



11/04: L to R - Lucas, Banu, MELISSA, Nuriel



12/13: L to R - Banu, Nuriel, ANNA



12/26: L to R - Banu, Stephanie, GREG, Antonio, Lizzette




01/08: L to R - Lizzette, Banu, Antonio, LIHA, MELISSA



08/14 - MATT DREYFUS instructs Banu Suresh 

on how to use yoga props more effectively



11/07: L to R - Banu Suresh with HARINAM SINGH KHALSA 


It is with great joy and little bit of sadness that we conclude our


group-yoga-taping component of yogaxpress on public access


tv in New York (, to make way for future episodes of a 


vedic cooking series.  Taping-on-location scheduled for Spring.





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