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Just Another Perspective
Sun Salutation and Ailment Prevention
TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 2010 # 49 - Sun Salutation and Ailment Prevention When perceived with common sense, each one of the eight postures in...
Yogic Breathing and Breath Locks
Eight popular yogic breath techniques in the prevention and healing of various common ailments are as follows - ujjayi (victorious) for...
How Ailments Are Connected
It has been scientifically proven that many ailments are related to one another in some way. Of the eight common ailments (arthritis,...
Chakras or Energy Centers
There are seven primary vortices of energy that form the core of our activity. These are called chakras, or wheels of energy that keep...
Preparation for Tendon Stretching
Some basic stretches that help loosen the body in preparation for yoga practice are: Neck roll - move neck from side to side in gentle...
Yoga Complements Medicine
The fact that regular yoga practice helps prevent many common ailments is proof that yoga is in addition to, not instead of other forms...
Yoga Myths, Facts, and Trends
Some of the foremost myths about yoga appear to be the following: myth 1: yoga is a cult, with severe rituals - fact 1: a cult is...
Yoga is About Spinal Health
All yoga is about spinal health. Although there are over 50 better known styles of yoga practiced around the world today (each similar...
Fear of the Unknown
Occasionally, the fear of the unknown keeps us from making progress. yogaxpress seeks to eliminate these fears – it is a mobile stretch...
Various Styles of Yoga
Names given to systems, techniques, styles, or variations by contemporary masters include iyengar yoga (initiated by bks iyengar) using...
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